Certified Energy Raters, LLC
(800) 671-1895
Home Energy Rating Specialists
There are over 388 Green Building Programs in the United States. Most are localized to specific communities. The two Nationally Recognized programs are the Federally Based LEEDS program and the ANSI 2020 National Green Building Standard (ICC700-2020). Many urban cities use Enterprise Green Communities standards, LEEDS and/or the National Green Building Standard for allocating tax incentives, incentive funds and/or utility rebates for green re-development efforts.
Certified Energy Raters, LLC are Green Consultants for National Green Building Standard (iCC700-2020). We can also arrange verification for final NGBS verifications, LEEDS and Enterprise Green Communities programs.
The National Green Building Standard™ certification goes well beyond saying a home is energy efficient; it provides independent, third-party verification that a home, apartment building, or land development is designed and built to achieve high performance in six key areas:
º Site Design
º Resource Efficiency
º Water Efficiency
º Energy Efficiency
º Indoor Environmental Quality
º Building Operation & Maintenance
The ICC 700 National Green Building Standard™ (NGBS) is the only green building rating system approved by ANSI as an American National Standard.
The NGBS provides practices for the design and construction of all types of green residential buildings, renovations, and land developments.
The NGBS program ensures homes and apartments are built in compliance with the NGBS and focuses on these primary attributes that are highly marketable to today’s discerning consumers:
» Healthy Homes Providing fresh air ventilation that improves indoor air quality Limiting pollutants and contaminants in the home
» Preventing moisture problems that can contribute to mold and attract pests
» Lower Operating Costs Reducing utility costs through cost-effective energy and water efficiency practices
» Controlling maintenance costs through durable construction and product selection
» Providing technical and educational resources to ensure the home’s optimum performance
» Sustainable Lifestyle Promoting walkability
» Reducing home maintenance through enhanced durability
» Preserving natural resources through responsible land development practices
For More Information about the NGBS Certification Standards visit: Home Innovation Research Labs