Certified Energy Raters, LLC
(800) 671-1895
Home Energy Rating Specialists
What is Involved in an Energy Star Certified Home?
Energy Star certification is a specialized building program under the EPA & Department of Energy. The goal is to build homes, condominiums, duplexes & multi-family dwellings to a specified higher construction standard which benefits the owner or occupant in many ways. The result is an efficient, safer, healthier, and more sustainable dwelling. Or as the Energy Star motto goes: Better is better
An Energy Star rating serves as a gauge of how energy-efficient a dwelling is. It is rated on a scale of 1 to 100 with a lower score indicating a higher efficiency. As part of this rating process, there are various checklists, inspections, and testing required by an Energy Star accredited HERS Rater
An Energy Star-certified build not only saves the consumer in energy costs, better indoor air quality, water management, and longer equipment life, but also, benefits the common good of the entire nation by reducing the use of electricity, fossil fuels, water, and the overall carbon footprint. This is positive not only on an individual basis in the here and now but for future generations. The Energy Star-certified build is a “win/win” for everyone.
So what is involved in an Energy Star Certified Home?
Energy Star certification is a start-to-finish process. It takes a team effort of the plan designer/architect, builder, sub-contracted trades (Framers, Insulators, Electrician, Plumber, HVAC contractor), the Homeowner and an Energy Star accredited HERS Rater.
When performing an Energy Star rating here at Certified Energy Raters, we typically follow these steps:
Review the plans to determine overall building size and volume.
Determine window and door U-values & SHGC to be used and if they comply with Energy Star requirements.
Review HVAC system to be used & required HVAC contractor credentials to meet ES requirements.
Review the whole house ventilation plan and determine compliance with ES requirements
Review the efficiency and type of water heater to be used and determine compliance with ES requirements.
Determine air sealing practices and insulation levels to be used and determine compliance with ES requirements.
Review the overall framing plan.
Perform a plan review take-off and energy model the build resulting in a projected HERS score.
Write an Energy Star build prescription for the builder to follow.
Recommend alternate ways to get more efficiency for the dollars spent.
Determine all Energy Star checklist items that apply to the build and must be met.
Inspect all framing & air sealing to determine that proper practices were used
Inspect all insulation to determine that it meets a Grade 1 installation.
Visually examine all ductwork for proper sealing
Document U-values & SHGCs of installed windows/doors and check for ES compliance.
Complete the Energy Star pre-drywall inspection checklist
Verify that all HVAC, water heating & whole house ventilation efficiencies match plans/specifications.
Perform an envelope leakage test to determine building ACH (air changes per hour)
Perform a duct leakage test to determine the outside/total leakage of ducts and if it meets the ES threshold.
Perform a room/room pressure test
Perform static pressure test of the HVAC system.
Perform tests of the whole house, exhaust fans & kitchen fans for proper CFM delivery and ES compliance.
Document efficiencies of all installed kitchen appliances and check for ES compliance.
Complete the Energy Star Field Rater Review checklist.
Complete Energy Star modeling with final test values and verified efficiencies.
Submission of report to HERS Rater Quality Assurance Provider for approval.
Submission of report by Quality Assurance Provider to Energy Star for certification.
Energy Star lists the build in the Energy Star registry of Energy Star labeled Homes.
Complete Energy Star report, certification, and Energy Star label issue to builder by HERS Rater.
A lot of steps for a lot of better! A better home, a better value, a better life… Energy Star Certified Homes
1. Conduct a plan review
2. Conduct Physical Onsite Inspections
3. Conduct Performance Testing and Final Verifications
4. Energy Star Report & Final Certification